Terms & Conditions

Please read carefully this legal notice before continuing to browse this website.

This legal notice refers to the legal terms and conditions as well as general information pertaining to the use of BEYONDWORDS PROJECT (BWP)’s website,the purpose of which is the protection of personal data and intellectual property rights. The owner of this website (www.thebwp.net) is:

Vat number: 1647882V

Office Location: Millennium Centre, Floor 3, Office 19. La Marsa, Sidi Daoud, Tunis 2046 – Tunisia

Phone: +216 90 150 223

Email: contact@thebwp.net

This website is hosted by OVH Tunisia (www.ovh.tn) www.ovh.tn

En continuant d’utiliser ce site web, vous reconnaissez et acceptez sans réserve les présentes conditions d’utilisations :

Legal Conditions

By sending an e-mail to BWP, by means of the "Contact" tab on this website or by accessing and/or using this website, each person (herein referred as "the User") affirms that they have taken prior knowledge of these legal conditions, that is to say the legal information, the rules applicable to the protection of intellectual property rights and the rules contained in the general information section.

Protection of Personal Data

In accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of Law N° 2004-63 of July 27, 2004 pertaining to the Protection of Personal Data, the processing of personal data collected from the website is subject to a prior notice, in accordance with the National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data.

Les coordonnées de l’Utilisateur (nom, prénom, adresse email, numéro de téléphone) partagées, tel requis par Beyondwords Project sont les seules informations à caractère personnel (ci-après les « Données à Caractère Personnel ») susceptibles d’être collectées au moyen du Site Web et traitées par BeyondWordsProject. Toute autre donnée à caractère personnel est facultative et fournie volontairement par l’Utilisateur dans son courrier électronique.

Personal Data is subject to use for the sole purpose of responding to phone calls and emails sent to BWP and its members; and is only retained for as long as necessary to fulfill those purposes.

The Personal Data collected and processed by BWP from the website is neither sold nor rented, with or without a fee, to third parties.

Each User providing identity information may require that the Personal Data concerning them be communicated to them; or that it may be, depending on the case, rectified, completed, updated or deleted. Each User, on the basis of their identity, may object to the processing of Personal Data concerning them for legitimate purposes. The herein rights of each User can be exercised by writing to: contact@thebwp.net

or sent to the following address: 

Millennium Centre, Floor 3, Office 19. La Marsa, Sidi Daoud, Tunis 2046 – Tunisia.

Protection of intellectual property rights

The content of this site is protected by Literary and Artistic Property Rights and the Intellectual Property Code. BWP is the owner of the intellectual property rights or holds the rights of use on all the elements and content accessible on the site: texts, images, graphics, logos, icons, videos, music, typographies, posters, etc.

The User is not authorized to reproduce, represent, modify, translate and/or adapt, partially or totally, for payment or free of charge, the website and/or any of the elements that compose it, nor reproduce or represent such translations, adaptations and modifications, partially or totally, for payment or free of charge, without the prior written consent of BWP.

Any quotation or excerpt must be properly credited by mentioning the name of its author and, if applicable, the date and publication page or number of the cited document.

General Information

The Website is accessible 24/7 and is subject to interruptions as may be required for technical maintenance and update operations that BWP deems useful to execute.

Each User is the sole responsible for the use they make of the information provided to BWP via the website. BWP shall in no event be liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this information by the User.

Users are not authorized to create a hypertext link to the website and/or any page of the website and/or a file therein without the prior and express consent of BWP.

Description of the services provided

Le site de BWP est un site commercial dont l’objectif principal est d’attirer des clients et de conclure des ventes en fournissant le plus précisément possible des informations pertinentes concernant l’ensemble des activités de l’entreprise.
The information provided on BWP’s website is 100% free from plagiarism.

The main laws concerned

• Law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, notably modified by law n° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 relating to data processing, files and freedoms.

• Law n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on Confidence in the Digital Economy.


BWP : Beyondwords Project

User: Internet user browsing BWP’s website.

Personal information: “information which allows, in any form whatsoever, directly or indirectly, the identification of the natural persons on whom is applicable (article 4 of law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978).