Affiliate Program

Devenez un affilié BWP et gagnez jusqu’à 30% de commission sur vente !

Your commissions

Plusieurs possibilités

Up to 30% sales commissions

Il vous suffit de choisir le type d’inscription qui vous convient le plus et de soumettre votre candidature d’affilié.

Once your application is accepted, you can start promoting Beyondwords Project on your website by integrating links and on social media platforms. For every confirmed sale you make, you win at least a 5% commission.

BWP offre à ses partenaires des commissions allant jusqu’à 30%.

How does it work?


Fill and submit your affiliate marketing application.


Promote BWP by integrating links to your site.


Start earning your commissions for every customer conversion.


Un affilié FAN peut bénéficier d’un 5% to 15% sales commission..

For every non-cancelled sale you make, you win a 5% commission. Once you close 5 sales, you will be able to win 2% more every time you manage to convert another customer during one month.

To win a 15% commission, you will have to convince 10 potential customers to buy our services, during 30 days.


Un affilié HUNTER peut bénéficier d’un commissions ranging from 16% to 25%..

You will have to convert more than 10 customers per month.

You have the opportunity to win a 25% commission starting from your 20th customer.


An AMBASSADOR has the chance to win 20% to 30% commissions for every sale..

To earn 20%, you need to have social media accounts with more than 4000 followers. 

A 30% commission will be given to any affiliate who's able to make more than 20 sales per month.


A VIP affiliate can earn a commission for every client purchase, forever.

Pour cela, il faut s’inscrire et faire un a paid subscription.

It is possible to win commissions de 5% ou de 9% selon votre budget d’investissement.

Start Now

Subscribe and start earning money 

I want to become an affiliate

Without paying

Je m’inscris en tant que FAN of Beyondwords Project and upgrade my affiliate status once I succeed in converting more than 5 customers per month.

I want to become an affiliate


Comptez-moi en tant qu’affilié(e) à vie et Beyondwords Project's VIP partner.


Beyondwords Project

Le guide de toutes les entreprises souhaitant booster leurs présences web et se démarquer de la concurrence.

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